Sunday, September 7, 2008

You get to watch

Were I elected to some post or other, I would have a staffer with me at all times with a video camera, recording all my interactions with other people. The people who elect politicians to positions of power and responsibility, it seems to me, would have a right to keep an eye on me, and know exactly what I was doing on their behalf.

Repurpose the Military

Certain folks are fond of saying that the purpose of an army is "to kill people and break things." If I were C-in-C, I would push for the elimination of that definition - and the outmoded, obsolete thinking behind it - and repurpose the military explicitly towards countering injustice, protecting innocent lives, and serving the people. In fulfilling these goals, the military may indeed have to "kill people and break things" occasionally - and they would need the capability to do so - but that would not be their purpose. I think that this is not a trivial shift, psychologically speaking.