Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Regarding earmarks

"Earmarks" is the political buzzword du jour. Seems to me that the problem has to do with the way taxes are collected & then redistributed by the Federal government. Representatives and Senators are rewarded for maneuvering to channel tax money from other areas of the country into their own - "bringing home the bacon," as it's called. (All together now: "Mmm - bacon...")

But what if the bacon doesn't leave home in the first place?

I would suggest a radical restructuring of how revenues are collected. I think all taxes should be paid at the municipal level. Municipalities would then pay their counties for services rendered. Counties would similarly pay the states, and the states the Federal government. Governmental entities that wanted extra money for special projects, or that needed funds in an emergency, could then negotiate with their peers to obtain grants or loans.

I am sure that this system would present challenges of its own, but I think it would keep more money in local economies, lessen the control of central governments, and empower local communities to do more for themselves.

(Please dissect away in the comments!)

1 comment:

macrameman said...

I pretty much agree that revenue should grow up, bearing in mind that "charity begins at home."